MILLER IMAGE TECH has been providing decorative corporate stage scenery for business meetings and conventions for over 25 years. We have performed over 700 shows in the US and abroad and have mastered the art of delivering a dynamic presentation. We use our insight and our construction and delivery experience to do a thorough job of embellishing your show. We can customize our rental pieces for you or design, build and deliver almost any look you want. Our custom sign shop is known for its excellent dimensional sign work. Our welding shop creates the unique parts. Our wood shop is designed for quality and efficiency. Let us do your whole stage or create that just right accessory.

Please select an image for a closer look.

Common Parts Used In An Uncommon Way
We try to find new and exciting ways to deliver your event look. The custom flats with the individual lights achieves this - exploiting a simple idea. We also provided the stage augmentation for the round and diagonal parts as well as the steppers and filler flats.
Our Exotic Arches
These staggered arches create a unique portal-like stage environment. The arches get progressively thicker as they get larger. Lighting and stage entries can work between the layers. There is a 4th set for further out in the ballroom.

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Chaos Set
The Chaos Set is just what the name implies - a very random, yet stylish composition of flats. This set can have a sign, screen or no opening at all. Additional theme-specific elements can easily be added.
Leading Edge Design
Stylish & different, our stage layout was just right for this MLM / Awards show that featured live entertainment. Shown under work lighting for clarity, note the multicolored spandex and carpet logo.
Glass Blox
Here is a simple but elegant look using just our 'Glass Blox' grid panels, white cyclorama and a matching lectern.
Spandex is NOT Dead !
Truss and spandex are alive and well and still suited for exciting corporate looks. Spandex solved the problem of filling this low-ceiling ballroom. Note the low, curved ceiling of the Washington Hilton International Ballroom.
Custom Set
Have us execute your design with precision.
Spandex, Truss & Hard Set Elements
Often, the best appearance is something more free form. This layout is actually based on the invitation theme art.
Custom Ship Stage
When this meeting went to Puerto Rico, a nautical theme was needed. This ship features a sculpted 7 foot long orthopedic implant as a bow decoration. The custom lectern was a rope hoist on a deck with piers. The cabin used some of our Louver panels and the stage skirt was all hard siding to group everything together and look like a ship's hull.
The Chilly Feel of an Alpine Set
We sculpted foam to make the screen frame, background walls, lectern facades and dimensional mountains for this custom set. There was a matching sculpted mountain contest display in the lobby.
An Oriental Set in an Oriental Setting
This set was specially designed with changeable graphics and a distinctly oriental feel for an international audience that gathered in Hong Kong.
Basic Felt Flat Set
The cornerstone of our collection. Basic shapes like walls, windows, columns and lecterns are a breeze with our large inventory of set components.
Our Castle
This stock set features a working drawbridge, realistic looking moat and custom lectern. It can easily be configured for smaller venues.
Wedge Columns Set
The holes in the Wedge Column Set give it an airy iconic Art Deco look. A lighting fixture in the base and a translucent angled Plexiglas top help assure even illumination of the holes. We have other matching accessories for this set.



NOTICE: All photographed material on this website is the sole property of Miller Image Tech both physically and conceptually under copyright. Use of any material found herein which is of a competitive nature will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Miller Image Tech
3240 S. Jones Street
Fort Worth, TX 76110-4309

2303 Galway Drive
Mansfield, TX 76063-7513

(817) 539-7447 | voice
(817) 921-6304 | shop
(817) 539-7449 | fax